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Nice to meet you

Our team

Come and say hello

Our story started as a small shed operation of two staff. Since then, our Sugar Shed family has grown to include the most extraordinary and dedicated team of staff and volunteers that are the key to our success, and we can’t wait for you to meet them.


Visitor Experience Officer

Desley first started at the Sugar Shed in 2008 as one of the first paid tour guides, she learnt her trade from the volunteers who were retired mill works or cane farmers.  After a hiatus in 2013 she returned as a tour guide in 2022 – and boy had she seen some changes! Growing up in in Sarina, Desley has many fond memories of cane life living in a cane town. ‘I lived down the road from a cane train siding and my childhood friend of mine and I spend hours on bikes around the siding, stealing cane from the bins to each for lunch. We used to love watching the cane fires, as the cane farms were so close to where we live, one day a friend's dog got caught in the fires, he survived but no longer had the tops of his ears.’


Visitor Experience Officer

Meet Carla, she a people person and you can’t miss her when you visit, with her huge smile and humour.  Carla has taken to tour guiding at Sugar Shed like a fish in water!  Local to the area - well she’s been here 20 years, so she says a ‘blow in’ but we think she’s local!


Visitor Experience Officer

Betty is our Sarina local and a breath of fresh air that everyone loves and adores. She has been with us since 2015 and the favourite part of her day to day is giving tours to new and returning faces. Betty’s welcoming nature captures the essence of the Sarina community perfectly. Next time you pop by the Sugar Shed for a tour, ask Betty about ‘The Story of Hundreds and Thousands’ – she loves sharing this story as much as she loved learning about it.


Visitor Experience Officer

Grace comes from a second-generation sugar cane farming family, so there’s not much she doesn’t know about the business. She is a whiz in the retail store and keeps things shipshape – she is the longest-serving team member at the Sugar Shed having started in the year we opened! If you want to know anything in the region, then Grace is your person! Outside of work, Grace loves spending time with her grandchildren!


Visitor Experience Officer

As a newcomer to the area, Rebbecca spends much of her spare time exploring the region for the best fishing spots, and she is enjoying meeting new people along the way. Rebbecca loves learning new things about the sugar industry and is keen to share her knowledge with people on her tours. The best part of Rebbecca’s day is seeing the smiles on visitors’ faces after they have tasted some of the delicious treats made by our wonderful volunteers and staff. And her favourite? The Smoky BBQ Sauce!

Become a volunteer

It takes an extraordinary person to take the time to pour back into their community. Find out how you can make a difference and become a volunteer.